• info@cirecon.de | +49-941-89849-770

Review: We were part of the E-Waste World Conference & Expo

From 30.11-01.12. we were represented with our booth at the E-Waste World Conference & Expo. The international trade fair deals with topics such as current developments in recycling technologies, recovery solutions, sustainable raw materials and materials or end-of-life strategies.

Die diesjährige E-Waste World Conference & Expo durfte wieder in Präsenz (mit 2G-Regelung) stattfinden und war ein voller Erfolg.

Frankfurt: Recyclers from all over the world meet at the E-Waste World Conference & Expo

This year we didn’t just want to attend the conference, we wanted to be a part of it and present our recycling portal CIRIS. (By the way: Last year, our colleague Alex Süßmilch gave a very exciting presentation on CIRIS at this fair. You can download it for free. Just click here and scroll down to the end of the page).

At our booth we were able to have many interesting conversations, which were, besides the exciting official presentations and the many other exhibitors, our highlights of the fair (and finally face-to-face again). Our sustainable giveaways were very well received by our visitors. In addition to delicious sweets, organic cotton tags and coffee capsules made of wood, our Schrotti was also allowed to accompany us to the fair.

More impressions of the fair can be found here.

We are looking forward to next year!