• info@cirecon.de | +49-941-89849-770



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Comprehensively informed: Here you will find the latest news, upcoming events, information about our services and products, and recordings of our online seminars.

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Learn more about our innovative digital disposal services and the benefits for your company. From the concept development, through IT-solutions, logistics, to initial treatment and recycling as well as data protection—we‘ve got you covered.

In addition, CIRIS—our intuitive, individual (customized), safe, value-adding and green software solution— presents the prospect of profits.

Are you looking for a solution to register, track and document your e-waste easily, quickly, transparently and compliantly?
Then CIRIS, our cloud-based software solution, is the right one for you. Intuitively, individually and in real time, you can digitalise your
digitalise and document your waste disposal processes. Optimise your waste streams for a better and more sustainable future.
Would you like more information? Download our flyer!


In his speech addressing data security in the context of recycling, Alexander Süßmilch introduced our innovative reporting and information system CIRIS. It ensures professional, reliable and safe recycling through:

  • collection
  • tracking
  • and data deletion/destruction.

Download Presentation: